Complex Megadisaster, ariel view
Medium: Glass, coke, mosquito, card, graphite
Dimensions: 100 x 125 x 125mm
This artwork is named Complex Megadisaster, a new word created to describe the recent cumulative disaster in Japan and similar catastrophes. The glass is a family heirloom, collected in Japan by my grandfather during his work as flight engineer for BOAC. Lost in my studio for over a year, I found the glass again a few days after the Japan disaster of 11th March 2011 with dried remnant of the last drink and a dead fly at its centre. This piece is not about any particular moment in time, but is a serious and comical comment on changes in our environment and society.
Art Takes Times Square exhibition, Times Square, New York
Following a massive competition entry, Complex Megadisaster was exhibited on a 21' x 12' screen in Times Square, New York as part of the Artists Wanted group exhibition.